Tonci Grgin
2011-10-04 08:36:03 UTC
Hello all,
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.18, a maintenance release of the production 5.1 branch has been released.
Connector/J is the Type-IV pure-Java JDBC driver for MySQL.
Version 5.1.18 is suitable for use with any MySQL version including MySQL-5.1 or MySQL-5.5.
It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/J download pages at
and mirror sites as well as Maven-2 repositories.
As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.
We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes, patches etc.:
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.18 includes the following general bug fixes and improvements:
- Fix for Bug#12565726, not putting the space between VALUES() and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
causes C/J a) enter rewriting the query although it has ON UPDATE
and b) to generate the wrong query with multiple ON DUPLICATE KEY
- Fix for Bug#12784170, "process fork failure" errors while running test suite via ant on Windows.
Added new ant flag, com.mysql.jdbc.junit.fork, which controls whether JUnit will fork new processes
for testing ("on", default and legacy behavior) or not ("off", required for Windows).
- Reverting changes made to,
private boolean characterSetNamesMatches function.
- Added function MYSQL_INDEX_TO_MYSQL_CHARSET to retrieve server charset name
using index instead of parsing variables to
- Completed fix for Bug#61201/12649557, fixed tests failures.
- Fix for Bug#61201/12649557, Can't establish connection when url has
sessionVariables and characterEncoding. Fix covers only MySQL server 4.1+
- Fix for Bug#61501 - Calling Statement.cancel() on a statement that isn't
currently executing will cause some later-executed query on the same
connection to be cancelled unexpectedly. The driver now guards against this
condition, but it is an underlying server issue. The MySQL statement "KILL QUERY"
(which is what the driver uses to implement Statement.cancel()) is rather
non-deterministic, and thus the use of Statement.cancel() should be avoided
if possible.
- Fix for Bug#61866/12791594 - Calling Statement.getWarnings() after
Statement.clearWarnings() has been called, returns the "old" warnings.
- Fix for Bug#13036537 - LRUCache was really a least-recently-added cache.
- Fix for Bug#13036309, Correcting parameter name in
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.18, a maintenance release of the production 5.1 branch has been released.
Connector/J is the Type-IV pure-Java JDBC driver for MySQL.
Version 5.1.18 is suitable for use with any MySQL version including MySQL-5.1 or MySQL-5.5.
It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/J download pages at
and mirror sites as well as Maven-2 repositories.
As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.
We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes, patches etc.:
MySQL Connector/J 5.1.18 includes the following general bug fixes and improvements:
- Fix for Bug#12565726, not putting the space between VALUES() and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
causes C/J a) enter rewriting the query although it has ON UPDATE
and b) to generate the wrong query with multiple ON DUPLICATE KEY
- Fix for Bug#12784170, "process fork failure" errors while running test suite via ant on Windows.
Added new ant flag, com.mysql.jdbc.junit.fork, which controls whether JUnit will fork new processes
for testing ("on", default and legacy behavior) or not ("off", required for Windows).
- Reverting changes made to,
private boolean characterSetNamesMatches function.
- Added function MYSQL_INDEX_TO_MYSQL_CHARSET to retrieve server charset name
using index instead of parsing variables to
- Completed fix for Bug#61201/12649557, fixed tests failures.
- Fix for Bug#61201/12649557, Can't establish connection when url has
sessionVariables and characterEncoding. Fix covers only MySQL server 4.1+
- Fix for Bug#61501 - Calling Statement.cancel() on a statement that isn't
currently executing will cause some later-executed query on the same
connection to be cancelled unexpectedly. The driver now guards against this
condition, but it is an underlying server issue. The MySQL statement "KILL QUERY"
(which is what the driver uses to implement Statement.cancel()) is rather
non-deterministic, and thus the use of Statement.cancel() should be avoided
if possible.
- Fix for Bug#61866/12791594 - Calling Statement.getWarnings() after
Statement.clearWarnings() has been called, returns the "old" warnings.
- Fix for Bug#13036537 - LRUCache was really a least-recently-added cache.
- Fix for Bug#13036309, Correcting parameter name in
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